Online Personal Development Course

Online Personal Development Course

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Personal Development:

Personal development is the key to satisfaction and growth in all aspects of life. Alison's range of free online Personal Development courses, covering everything from how to plan your career to how to achieve success, is designed to help you become a more effective, organized, and thoughtful person. By exploring these courses and learning time management, decision making, creative thinking and goal setting skills, you'll discover some really helpful life tricks that will make your future a lot brighter, and your day-to-day life much less stressful.

-Course Name:
Job Offer Formula - How to Land Your Ideal Job

2-3 Hours.

-Course Modules:

Module1: A Road map for success in your career:*
This module introduces you to the job offer formula. You'll learn key skills such as writing winning resumes, and cover letters, as well as skills around networking, interview skills and salary negotiation techniques. So, start this course today and land the job of your dreams!

-Resume part 1: Write a resume that stands out in the pile.
  -Resume part 2: the resume mindset.
-Craft a powerful cover letter.
-Networking part 1: networking your way into your dream job.
-Networking part 2: Find contacts and targeting cold Emails.
-Ace your interviews.
-Negotiate a salary hike.
-Lesson summary.
*Module2: Course Assessment.
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